Share your CBL Challenge to inspire others

Do you have a Challenge that might inspire others? Share an existing CBL Challenge so that others might participate or adapt for their own community of learners. 

Tools for sharing a Challenge:

Tips for authoring your Challenge post:

  • Start a new story post here and title it “Challenge: Your Challenge statement.”
  • Begin with a brief overview of the Challenge and why it matters. Consider adding your Featured Image.
  • List your Big Idea, Essential Question, and Challenge statement. 
  • Consider listing a few Guiding Questions along with any Guiding Activities and Resources that might help learners get started with their investigation.
  • Finalize the post by attaching related resources, adding relevant tags (including ‘Challenge Based Learning’), and uploading a featured image to visually identify it in the CBL Challenges area.
  • Publish and share!



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